Statistics on 2022 customer engagement and loyalty

Statistics on 2022 customer engagement and loyalty

Companies all across the world are having to relearn how to engage members in this environment that is still very much post-pandemic. What changes will 2022 bring for your company? Is everything back to normal now? Do you now have a new normal? Do you ever doubt that life will return to normal?

Statistics point to a bright future for companies who are prepared to find out what their consumers and members want right now, despite the fact that the recent years may have knocked the sector as a whole for a loop.

For our benefit, businesses all around the world continue to research what makes their customers tick. Patterns are shown by their numerous research. The top association member benefits, corporate discount programs, white-label rewards systems, and membership incentives all share characteristics and tactics. In fact, our blogs about loyalty and employee rewards include several pieces that explore these themes.

But the raw data are on this website. Numerous loyalty data from 2022 have been gathered for your convenience, including information on how many people participate in loyalty programs, what they want to gain from them, and how they like to be contacted.
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Here you can find the highlights from different reports regarding to Customer Engagement & Loyalty Stats.

  • 38.5% of global shoppers believe they have to buy from a certain brand multiple times before they consider themselves “loyal” (Yopto)
  • When asked what it means to be loyal to a brand, global shoppers answered: (Yopto)
    • Buying from the same brand repeatedly (82.2%)
    • Pride in being associated with the brand (43.3%)
    • Buying from the brand despite cheaper competitors (42%)
    • Recommending the brand to others (47%)
  • 86% of customers are willing to pay more for a great customer experience (Mad Mobile)
  • 44% of consumers will continue to shop at brands that don’t share their values, 60% are unaware of where their favorite brands fall on the political spectrum and 75% believe brands have as much right to free speech as individuals (Clarus Commerce)
  • 69% of consumers say their favorite brand is part of who they are, with 24% of them strongly feeling the brand impacts their identity (Clarus Commerce)
  • 56% of consumers still shop with brands that have contrary beliefs in order to get a better deal (Clarus Commerce)
  • 76% of people report their loyalty to a brand is impacted by the opinions of friends and family, while paid celebrities/influencer endorsements only impact 44%, and media coverage impacts 57% (Clarus Commerce)
  • Only 16% of consumers say a brand’s values are the main reason they stay loyal, and the same would abandon a brand if it didn’t live up to its pledges (Clarus Commerce)
  • Customers are loyal to their favorite brands for the following reasons: (Clarus Commerce)
    • Higher quality product (27%)
    • Strong sense of community (22%)
    • Better prices (17%)
    • Knows me and my preferences (11%)
  • Customers who consider the community to be an important value believe these activities to be the most important for fostering a sense of community: (Clarus Commerce)
    • Joining online groups (34%)
    • Attending in-person events (32%)
    • Consuming brand-related content (18%)
    • Receiving exclusive products or offers (15%)
  • Customers are most likely to lose loyalty with their favorite brands and try a different brand instead when: (Clarus Commerce)
    • The brand’s product quality declines (65%)
    • The brand’s prices increase (47%)
    • The brand takes a stance on a social issue they disagree with (33%)
    • Delivery becomes slow or unreliable (23%)
    • I hear the brand isn’t living up to its publicly stated values (16%)
    • My friends/family stop talking about or posting about the brand (15%)
    • The brand stops hosting in-person events (6%)
  • When thinking about their favorite brands, Gen Z is most likely to report they are loyal because “this brand does good in the world or has a positive social impact” (28%), millennials are loyal because “I feel a strong sense of community with other loyalty to this brand (28%) and other generations are loyal because “this brand offers a higher quality product than similar brands: Gen X (30%), Baby boomers (47%) and those over 74 (41%) (Clarus Commerce)
  • 58% of consumers have rarely or never shared a post about their favorite brand on social media (Clarus Commerce)
  • 16% of consumers have participated in a boycott of a brand they regularly bought from, 14% have destroyed or thrown something from the brand away and 11% have posted something negative about the brand on social media (Clarus Commerce)
  • 67% of consumers buy from their favorite brands at least once a month (Clarus Commerce)
  • 48% of consumers have told friends about their favorite brands in the last 12 months (Clarus Commerce)
  • 24% of consumers provide feedback and fill out surveys from their favorite brands (Clarus Commerce)
  • 19% of consumers share personal data with their favorite brands (Clarus Commerce)
  • 63% of consumers believe that liking or buying a brand can be a political statement (Clarus Commerce)
  • 75% of consumers believe brands are canceled too quickly, and 79% say brands can be unfairly targeted for political reasons (Clarus Commerce)
  • 62% of consumers believe that throwing away or destroying a product is a bad way to show disapproval of a brand (Clarus Commerce)
  • Consumers are willing to share the following personal information with their favorite brands in exchange for a better customer experience or discount: Email (73%), Name (65%), Birthday (56%), Phone number (38%), Demographic data like race, income and age (34%), Home address (31%), Social media handle (21%), Health and well-being data like heart rate and sleep times (12%), Biometric data like fingerprints and eye scans (8%), Social security number (8%) and Web browsing history (7%) (Clarus Commerce)
  • On average, younger consumers are far more likely to be aware of the values and social stances of brands: 72% of Gen Z, 58% of millennials, 49% of Gen X, 32% of baby boomers, and 28% of those over 74 (Clarus Commerce)
  • In March 2022, 60% of US consumers believed brands should stop doing business in Russia (Gartner)
  • When already loyal to a brand, U.S. shoppers are willing to: (Yopto)
    • Sign up for a loyalty program (73.3%)
    • Wait until an out-of-stock item is back in stock (66%)
    • Sign up for emails (63.1%)
    • Sign up for text (41.5%)
    • Pay more to buy with the brand despite cheaper competitors (53.5%)
    • Recommend it to others (58.8%)


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