Designing The Mobile Experience

Designing The Mobile Experience

If your loyalty program isn’t currently utilizing mobile to its maximum potential, it’s likely to be on shaky ground. But what truly constitutes an effective mobile implementation? The way people buy things nowadays is complicated by technology, and devices like smartphones, wearables, mobile payments, RFID, and geolocation are deeply influencing how people behave. The difficulty for loyalty professionals is to seamlessly include these technologies in a way that will take advantage of the customer’s innate desire for them, all while providing an affordable solution that is deeply woven into all facets of loyalty interaction.


Mobile gadgets draw customers because they provide solutions to issues. There are a few noticeable pain points that are almost common in the world of loyalty today, and identifying them is the first step in designing an optimal mobile journey for your loyalty program, even if these issues can vary greatly from person to person.


The constant debate surrounding “Big Data” has emphasized the value of data collecting and the relative ease with which it is now possible; the mobile age will only bring forth an infinite number of additional ways to gather and use client information. Consumers can provide loyalty programs access to the data that their mobile devices are continuously feeding them, but whether they will do so will largely depend on the value they will receive in return. In reality, more than 99% of consumers are willing to provide their personal information in exchange for benefits and brand openness.

Ease of use

Most of the justifications for mobile adoption, from expediting points collection to aiding product research, stem from a strong convenience element that affects both customers and enterprises. Smartphones are a natural tool for gaining close access to members in the age of instant gratification and for enabling members to participate in loyalty programs outside of physical stores. However, even when shopping in physical places, mobile value and convenience go hand in hand. According to a Salsify-commissioned study, 77% of all consumers use a mobile device to look up product information, but just 35% are willing to ask a salesperson in person about a product.


More than just keeping a user active on your platform is engagement. In layman’s terms, “fun” is the greater world of self-actualization that true involvement taps into. Mobile technologies enable brand interactions that are fresh and exciting, evoking feelings that should be reflected in the entire mobile journey. Improved experiences can be facilitated by utilizing new mobile-related technologies including augmented and virtual realities, GPS integrations, real-time offers, and gamification.

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By demonstrating how mobile offers may be used throughout the loyalty journey and how mobile can still be used to establish ongoing connections and provide tailored value, Koupon Media has created an excellent analysis of an optimized mobile experience. The case study that follows is based on their most recent whitepaper.

Pre-awareness media to boost engagement on mobile

Media like POS or out-of-home signage can bring attention to the program and encourage quick registration on mobile devices before the consumer is even aware of it. For instance, if a consumer texts in a shortcode and registers, they may see signage offering a free cup of coffee; this also gives the loyalty provider a preliminary user profile that can be expanded with further information as customer involvement increases. The consumer has already benefited from a one-time award; complete registration in the loyalty program can now be made available to them based on their level of continuous engagement.

Mobile promotions can gather more data and encourage more engagement.

Consumer, who has already expressed interest in more offers through their first registration, can still get SMS offers. The loyalty provider can gather more information and test the waters with these offers to see how interested a particular person is. For instance, if the client who accepted the free coffee offer then buys a breakfast sandwich, a tailored offer for a second breakfast sandwich can persuade them to enter further information, like an email address.

Increasing loyalty registration incentives

The company now has the chance to offer incentives for joining a complete loyalty program. The buyer has already seen the benefit of the promised individualized incentives, which are part of the deal. At this point, even more, data can be gathered, and the program’s more in-depth attributes and experiential advantages, such as gamification possibilities and augmented-reality interfaces can be disclosed, inspiring future loyalty.

Keeping customers with mobile

Now that it has all the necessary tools, the loyalty program can continue to offer possibilities for mobile interaction. A mobile-delivered message with an offer can remind a consumer to visit the store if they haven’t done so after a particular amount of time has passed. Additionally, mobile can be utilized to link to social accounts, generate additional data and top-of-mind awareness, and enhance in-store habits (for example, members at a fashion retailer can use photo recognition technologies to review complementary styles or read reviews after snapping a picture of apparel).

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